Over 1,400 Suntrust Bank branches are spread throughout the Southeastern United States. This regional banking service is extremely popular among southerners. Suntrust Bank customers can apply for loans and credit cards, get advice on their investments, and manage both personal and business banking accounts at the Suntrust Bank. Some of these services are available online, but you will need to go to a Suntrust Bank branch during lobby hours for more personalized help. Keep reading this article to discover everything you need to learn about Suntrust Bank hours and contact information.
Suntrust Bank Opening Hours
Suntrust Bank Hours – Additional Details
Suntrust Drive-Thru Hours
Drive thru hours at Suntrust are not the same as lobby hours. Some drive-thrus may open an hour earlier than the lobby, and most Suntrust drive-thrus are not open on the weekend even if the rest of the branch is open.
Suntrust Holiday Hours
Suntrust Banks are closed on New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents’ Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas.
Finding Location Hours
Though the above hours are frequently used at Suntrust Banks, some may stay open later or close on both Saturday and Sunday. To discover the hours for an indvidiual branch, search for your desired location at the Suntrust branch locator and scroll down to see the hours.
Suntrust Bank – Contact Info
If you still need even more details on Suntrust Bank hours, do not hesitate to contact their customer service team through one of the following contact methods.
Official Website: https://www.suntrust.com/
Contact Form: https://www.suntrust.com/Microsites/contactus/ContactUs.html
Phone Number: 1 (800) 786-8787
Address: SunTrust Bank
P.O. Box 85024
Richmond, VA 23285-5024
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/suntrust
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SunTrust
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